The newly released Christmas record is the first of the kind in nearly a decade of

playing from Shane Bernard and Shane Everett. On the album, the acoustic duo covers several popular tunes, such as "Silent Night," "Away in a Manger," and "O' Come Let Us Adore Him." Most people who have heard the Shane's sing would
agree with me that they can cover just about any song and take it up an extra step. Some of the songs are a bit unusual sounding, simply because an upbeat style is not associated with some of the hymns.
The track that stands out most to me is the opener - an upbeat, spunky version of "O, Holy Night." When they sing "fall on your knees, O hear the angels' voices. O night divine, O, night when Christ was born," the soaring harmonies are hard to describe. (Please watch the video link in here. It's incredible.) I still don't understand how two guys can sing that high and that beautifully.
If you're looking for a Christmas record that still gives you the true message of the season, but is unique in sound and filled with great harmonies, this is a must get.
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