Saturday, March 21, the Truth, Hope and Love tour made a stop at North Parkersburg Baptist Church in Parkersburg, WV. Building 429 was headlining and previous acts consisted of Kimber Rising, After Edmund, and ATGS.
I was honestly there just to see ATGS. I actually left during intermission, before Building 429's performance, in order to make it back to campus for some birthday socializing. But anyways, the concert was interesting for more reasons than this...
I eagerly awaited ATGS as Jared, the MC for the night, walked on stage to thank Kimber Rising and announce the next act. "So help me welcome Michael!" yelled Jared. Wait a second. Michael? Just Michael? What about the rest of the band? I came to see Above the Golden State. Not Michael. Boy, was I in for a surprise.

Turns out, the rest of the band was back in Oregon doing ministry with their churches. Okay, I guess I can excuse that.
So Michael ended up giving us a five-song acoustic performance. I'm not gonna lie - I'm glad the rest of the band was back doing ministry. Not just because ministry is a great thing, but because the acoustic performance was awesome. I already know all of their songs off the album, so to hear them live and acoustic was really cool. Now I also see how playable they are, so I have some work cut out for me.
After his set, I also got to talk to him for a bit. For more regarding that go here.
photo courtesy of