It was so enjoyable to just be still and listen. To hear the wind finding its way through the leaves, the squirrels scampering from bush to bush and tree to tree, cars crawling down the street a ways off. In recent, I've become more aware of my surroundings and what sounds come with it. One awesome instance occurred last night. I was laying in bed, trying to fall asleep, and off in the distance a train rumbled by. Every few seconds it would blast its horn and I realized something - the horn isn't just one solitaire note. It is a series of notes, some more subtle than others. But the ending result isn't an annoying cover-your-ears sound. It's a harmony - each note takes its role and falls in place with the others. The sound is actually quite enjoyable.
It's things like this that allow me to appreciate life a little more. This sounds very cliche, I realize - but it's true. To be able to realize that there is more, way more to life than getting to classes on time, worrying about grades that will affect my GPA which may affect job placement later on, whether I'll have time to take a nap later, what I should wear that day... Outside of me and my irrelevant thoughts, there is so much more going on in God's beautiful creation. I just have to stop and realize that.
Music is everywhere. Take time and listen.